
IdroGeo S.r.l. is engaged in consulting activities for the design of structures and infrastructures both existing and new. IdroGeo S.r.l. has clients of national and international importance and carries out technical consult, such as the stabilization of embankments, consolidation of rocky walls etc.

The extensive experience of the professionals who work for this company guarantees a high-level of expertise in the combined study of Geology and Engineering. This multidisciplinary approach ensures:

– Design of geological survey campaigns appropriate to the area’s geology and to the work to be undertaken;

– Identification of the expected risk (interaction with the aquifer, triggering of landslides, subsidence associated with the presence of natural or man-made cavities, falling rocks, etc.);

– Understanding of the soil-foundation interaction,

– Geological and geotechnical characterization of the “significant volume”.

The activities related to these studies range from geological-geomorphological-geotechnical surveying to the analysis of aerial and satellite imagery (photo-interpretation), supervision and/or carrying out of geognostic investigations, use of geotechnical calculation models (limit equilibrium method, finite element and distinct analysis) and dimensioning of geotechnical works.

The acquired data are expressed in vectorial terms using special software to provide a three-dimensional display of the geological and geomorphological context both ante-operam and post-operam.